Road rage taking over the roads

Research by carwow has revealed that a staggering 81% of drivers have at one point been a victim of road rage.
Worryingly, in nearly half of those cases victims said that someone had driven aggressively at them as a result.
To make matters worse, five per cent of victims reported they had been physically attacked and four per cent claimed their car had been damaged as a result of road rage. Incredibly, one in five respondents said they had got out of their car to confront someone.
carwow’s figures – taken from a survey of 1000 UK drivers – reveal a worrying trend for frustration on Britain’s increasingly crowded road network. Almost half of drivers found city driving to be the most frustrating, while one in four said that motorway journeys were sure to rub them up the wrong way.
The Institute of Advanced Motorists’ Head of Driving Standards, Pete Rodger said, ‘This research highlights a common problem on UK roads, and no matter how you look at it, driving dangerously to try and teach someone a lesson is never the solution. We’d recommend plenty of forward planning, give other drivers room, stay in control and try to stay calm – everybody makes mistakes.’
The survey also asked respondents to name the reasons for road rage, with 74% claiming it was because of bad driving, 30% saying other drivers are too slow and six per cent getting road rage because another driver got angry at them.