Electric Vehicles UK formed to educate buyers

As electric vehicle sales to private buyers flag, a new body, Electric Vehicles UK, has been established to highlight the benefits of EVs while also addressing the potential challenges.

Electric Vehicles UK has been formed in a partnership between energy group Octopus Energy and the Fully Charged Show, an EV and renewable energy online news channel.

It follows figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders that revealed new EV sales to private buyers fell by 9.5% in the first seven months of the year.

Dan Caesar, who is chief executive of Fully Charged Show and interim chief executive of Electric Vehicles UK, said:

“Most people if they want to run a combustion engine vehicle can do so well into the 2040s, so rhetoric around the fact they’re going to have to hand over their car keys is not helping.

“What we’re keen to do is bring industry together to be a bit more coordinated in how it talks about the lived experience of EV drivers. We want to get information out there that educates the market about EVs, but is still balanced.”
