Nissan supports major North East EV skills investment

A major investment in skills in the North East, supported by Nissan, will create a new generation of electric vehicle and battery technicians.

North East Mayor Kim McGuinness and the North East Combined Authority will approve MADE NE (Manufacturing, Automation, Digitalisation, Electrification North East), which will see the development of world-leading training facilities over two sites within the International Advanced Manufacturing Strategic Site (IAMSS) in Sunderland.


Providing open access to these facilities for training, the £14.6m project will cover skills development from primary school to apprenticeships, to in-work learning and training.

North East Mayor Kim McGuinness said: “In my manifesto I promised to back our world-leading automotive industry. Now we are delivering. This investment will unlock a generation of skilled workers and create opportunities for local people and businesses.

“It cements our reputation as a global success story in advanced manufacturing and shows how we can lead the industries of the future. The investment shows how we can make the North East the home of real opportunity by backing local workers and businesses – so our area has good, well-paid, high-skilled jobs and training on the doorstep.“

Nissan supports major North East EV skills investment

Nissan backs MADE NE skills investment

Adam Pennick, vice president, manufacturing, at Nissan Sunderland Plant, said:

“To build the cars of the future, you need the skills of the future. This fantastic new facility will help find the talent, nurture the technical skills and drive the spirit of innovation that will power advanced automotive manufacturing in the UK. We are excited to be leading this collaborative long-term project to take skills development to the next level, for the benefit of the North East of England.”

MADE NE aims to be self-sustaining in five years, generating revenue linked with the delivery of apprenticeships, sub-letting space to businesses and by making Nissan’s training commercially available.

The plan has been developed in partnership by Nissan with the Combined Authority, Sunderland City Council, Education Partnership North East (EPNE), New College Durham, AESC, Vantec, Newcastle University, the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, and the North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA).
