Sales volumes back to pre-pandemic levels

Average used car values at BCA remained above £8,000 in March, while volumes growth accelerated from January and February to reach pre-pandemic levels.

Used car values at BCA averaged £8,039 during March 2021, maintaining the steady price performance that BCA has reported over recent months. Meanwhile, volumes increased significantly compared to January and February and are now comparable to pre-pandemic levels.

Bidder numbers were at the highest point since the pandemic started, with average daily online attendance numbers climbing towards 5,000 during March.

Stuart Pearson, chief operating officer, said: “March 2021 saw a significant increase in remarketing activity, with sold volumes and buyer numbers rising and competitive bidding across the BCA sales programme. Anecdotally, there was an expectation amongst professional buyers that the initial relaxing of lockdown restrictions would generate a potentially significant uptick in retail demand.”
