The Interview: Sunny Yip

bodyshop magazine catches up with Sunny Yip, the renowned Manchester-born painter who owns and operates Auto Spray in Darwen, Lancashire. Here, the 45-year-old “entrepreneur, repair technician and product tester” talks about living the repairer’s dream, his young family and what’s on the horizon for the collision industry.

Please outline your career to date

I first picked up a spray gun 24 years ago as a hobby. I worked for a repairer part-time for a couple of years before taking the plunge and working for myself in 2007. I’m a huge geek and obsessive about knowledge, so I continue my training through personal development goals and working alongside manufacturers.

What did you want to be when you were at school?

I was lazy, unfocused and had no direction when I left school. It was only when I turned 30 that my work ethic and my approach to life changed.

To read more, visit bodyshop‘s April issue.
