IMI launches diversity taskforce

The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) is setting out to tackle what it believes is one of the root issues that could undermine the automotive sector’s future sustainability – a lack of diversity.

While Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on the sector, Steve Nash, CEO of the IMI believes that could simply be masking a longer-term threat.

He said: “The automotive sector has a huge challenge facing it as we emerge from Covid-19; namely the job of ensuring it is future-proofed for the emerging automotive technologies. And the IMI has a deep concern that the sector’s current approach to recruitment and professional development – essentially always reverting to the same small talent pool – could severely undermine that goal.

“I have therefore asked professor Jim Saker, the recently appointed new president of the IMI, to lead a new taskforce to investigate, research and make recommendations on how to improve the effectiveness of automotive businesses throughout the industry by becoming a more attractive employment opportunity.”

The Taskforce will have a specific focus on the greater inclusion of under-represented groups in automotive with three key strands: attracting the BAME community to the sector; helping the automotive sector become a workplace that embraces and encourages those facing physical and neuro disabilities; addressing the lack of gender diversity.

Saker said: “Before Covid-19 the automotive industry already faced a skills crisis. The pandemic has just served to accelerate that issue – automotive apprenticeships supported by ASA funding has fallen 56% in the last year and this is a serious cause for concern. But the issue goes much wider than just how to get automotive employers to recruit apprentices.

“The sector is not currently diverse and is therefore recruiting from an ever-dwindling pool of talent. That has to change if we’re going to be fit for purpose for the new, fast-evolving technological revolution, from connected and autonomous to electric, hydrogen and other clean fuel sources.

“There is plenty of evidence to prove that a diverse workplace delivers a better customer experience which, in turn, delivers improved profitability. The aim of our Taskforce, therefore, is to identify how we can become a sector that will appeal to and nurture a more diverse workforce.

“Automotive is at the forefront of some of the most exciting innovation to affect everyone’s lives in the next 10-20 years; we just have to work out how to excite today’s school children and students, as well as those who may be needing to re-think their career choices as a consequence of the pandemic, that we offer the opportunities, whatever their background.”

The year-long project will launch in April with a call for individuals from within and outside the sector to contribute to any or all of the strands. Anyone interested in getting involved should email [email protected]
