IMI extends re-accreditation deadline

The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) has announced an extension to the period for IMI re-accreditation assessments.

This follows consultation with its network of centres and colleges approved for the delivery of accreditation, as well as taking feedback from IMI Accredited Members.

The IMI took swift action at the start of the pandemic to relieve pressure and concern for employers, accredited technicians and its approved centre network. In May 2020 the IMI extended the deadline by six months for re-accreditations due from the beginning of March to the end of June 2020. In July 2020 it applied a further six-month extension for re-accreditations due between July and September.

The latest extension reflects the restrictions faced by the IMI approved centre network to be able to carry out face to face learning, as well as effectively complete accreditation assessments.

Steve Scofield, head of business development at the IMI, said: “The IMI is acutely aware of the disruption to employers, private training providers and FE colleges caused by Covid-19 over the last year. We have worked hard to keep an open dialogue with all our centres and colleges to understand their concerns and provide support as necessary.

“Now, as a result of IMI Accredited Member feedback and subsequent consultation with the IMI centre network approved for the delivery of Accreditation, we have made the decision to extend accreditation for another six months beyond the existing published extension date.

“We are, however, urging that where assessment is accessible as the centre network starts to improve available provision, completion of accreditation is carried out at the earliest opportunity. This ensures compliance where needed, such as for BS10125, as well as helping employers and approved training providers to support clearing of the assessment backlog.”

In addition to those already granted an extension to their expiry date which will be on-going, all IMI Accreditation candidates with an expiry date between 1 April 2021 and 31 August 2021 who are unable to re-accredit due to the impact of Covid-19, can take advantage of a six-month extension to their expiry date.
