‘Ultimately this can save lives’

Plans to deliver verbal warnings to alert drivers of lane closures on smart motorways have been brought forward.

Automotive technology specialist Road Angel said it is bringing forward the release to April as debates about the safety of smart motorways continue.

Director Gary Digva said: “It is plain that there is a problem but we’re not diving into a blame debate, this is about making the roads as safe as possible and saving lives. We have the technology to make a crucial difference because this is something we’ve been concerned about for a long time. Our experience has led us to see smart motorways as a major potential risk and we’ve been designing our products to mitigate it for years now.

“Our lane closure alerts feature was scheduled for later this year but we are now working hard to bring that forward as soon as practically possible because we think it will make a major difference. The debate may rumble on for a long time yet so now is the time for action.”

Drivers will receive the alerts by subscribing to Road Angel’s Pure device, which monitors location, speed and the change of speed of the smart motorway.

Digva said: “A key issue with smart motorways is a lack of understanding combined with a level of complacency. Any debate around the safety of smart motorways will continue and it is an important debate to have but in the meantime, if we can help make a difference with our technology by making people more aware of the changing circumstances we will. Ultimately this can save lives.”
