e2e calls for industry steering group on EVs, hybrids

With the electrification of road transport building rapid momentum, Neil Joslin, COO of e2e Total Loss Vehicle Management, is calling on the salvage and recycling industry to pro-actively collaborate on the management of electric and hybrid vehicles.

Joslin has proposed the formation of an industry steering group made up of committed representatives from across the market which will work as a collective to agree industry standards linked to qualifications and certification for the management and dismantling of vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries.

The steering group would work to support the Vehicle Recyclers’ Association and seek to engage with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Thatcham Research and appropriate industry bodies to gain insight and input from the relevant parties to inform decision making.

Issues for the steering group to consider could include:

  • The creation of an industry standard and certification which covers all aspects of salvage and recycling operations related to EV and Hybrid management, to include recovery, storage, dismantling and recycling.
  • The requirements of an associated modular training programme and annual audit aligned to the new industry standard.
  • The creation of industry best practice guidelines for the dismantling and recycling of EVs and hybrids, akin to the guidelines currently being produced for the repair sector.
  • The need for clarity and criteria regarding battery damage parameters and safe recycling of lithium-ion batteries.
  • The need for guidelines, to ensure public safety and avoid potential liability, related to the sale of appropriate salvage category EVs and hybrids at auction (currently there is no requirement for a buyer to produce a certificate of competency to work with a vehicle that is powered by volatile lithium-ion batteries).

e2e has included EV/hybrid protocols in its Member’s Agreement and Minimum Standards Annual Audit to assist members and ensure consistency across the network.  These cover training and competence; access and adherence to manufacturer information; recovery protocols; use of appropriate PPE; damage inspection; damage recording and seeking expert advice; vehicle shut-down requirements; storage and moving the vehicle.

Other providers may have done similar but without market consistency the credibility of the salvage and recycling supply chain remains open to question.

Joslin said: “As salvage and recycling agents the combustion engines we already deal with can be dangerous, but we have well-established skills and safety knowledge. The lithium-ion batteries that power EVs are recognised as volatile and require specific and careful handling. Consequently, new liability risks are emerging for our businesses which must be judiciously considered and mitigated.

“The new market conditions represent new opportunities for our industry and our individual organisations.  But service consistency is critical.  None of us wants to see a repeat of the service inconsistencies linked to the early days of reclaimed parts and the resulting reputational damage that as an industry we have worked hard to overcome.  Taking a proactive, unified, strategic position on EVs and hybrids demonstrates that we are a mature service provider market.  Rather than waiting to be told what to do, let’s use a collective voice to demonstrate the value in our knowledge and expertise and take a seat at the decision-making table.”

As an industry initiative, formal Terms of Reference for the Steering Group will need to be discussed and agreed. To register interest and to find out more, visit the e2e steering group web page.
