No going back for EV drivers

A new survey has revealed that more than 90% of drivers who have switched to electric vehicles (EVs) would not consider going back to petrol or diesel cars.

This is according to a poll of more than 2,000 drivers conducted by Zap-Map, which found that 91% of all respondents would not go back to fossil fuels.

A further eight per cent said they were unsure, with only one per cent of switchers saying they missed their previous vehicle.

Meanwhile, EV drivers reported a satisfaction score of 91 out of 100, compared with only 72 for petrol or diesel vehicles.

Melanie Shufflebotham, co-founder of Zap-Map, said: “Our latest poll shows the strong and enduring impact of switching to a clean car. The evidence in favour of electric vehicles grows more compelling with each one of our surveys, even in a year as disruptive as 2020.

“The challenge for the automotive industry is to take advantage of the opportunities that EVs present, not only in terms of the rapidly expanding range, but also ensuring that sales staff are knowledgeable enough to present the benefits to their customers.”
