BVRLA calls for ‘realistic’ emissions pathway

The BVRLA has called for government support to help industry meet the sixth Climate Change Committee Budget.

The UK will have to cut emissions by 78% by 2035 to meet net zero targets. To help it meet those targets, the sales of diesel HGVs could be phased out by 2040.

However, industry has warned that the technology does not exist yet to allow lorries to travel long distances on battery power.

BVRLA chief executive, Gerry Keaney said: “We already have an ambitious target for phasing out the sale of new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars and vans and to change that now would cause confusion. The government must regularly review progress against existing targets and should take steps to ensure that all road users and fleets have a realistic path to decarbonisation.

“Setting a date for the phasing out of diesel trucks and lorries is a positive step, but HGV operators need a zero-emission roadmap. Upgrading fleets and refuelling infrastructure to adopt hydrogen or battery electric technology will be very expensive and the government will need to help operators absorb that cost burden. Many trucks travel huge distances, cross many borders and rely on public fuelling facilities, so UK policymakers will need to align their freight decarbonisation strategy with other countries.”
