Support grows for Ben charity

Auto Trader has announced a new partnership with automotive industry charity, Ben.

The charity made an earlier rallying cry in an open letter asking automotive industry leaders for much needed funds to ensure it could continue to offer the invaluable support services to those in need. Auto Trader has responded with a partnership that will not only provide the charity with much needed funds, but also broader skills support in the form of mentoring and volunteering.

Demand for the charity’s services has increased nearly three-fold this year as people struggle to cope with the effects that Covid-19 have had on their lives, be that financial or emotional.

Auto Trader’s CEO, Nathan Coe, said: “Ben provides much needed support to those who need it the most. By providing not just our financial support but also through our people providing their skills and technical knowledge, we hope to be able to make a real difference to the work that Ben do.”

Matt Wigginton, fundraising director at Ben, said: “We rely on donations to ensure no one in automotive faces life’s toughest challenges alone, and Auto Trader’s significant donation will mean we can make a positive difference to the lives of even more people in our industry.”
