Tread carefully with lockdown tyres

Motorists have been warned about driving unroadworthy vehicles as the impact of Covid-19 continues.

TyreSafe has urged drivers to ensure they know when their MOT is due and to ensure their tyres are still road safe.

More than five million MOTs were postponed during the first lockdown as the government allowed motorists to defer tests. However, with 27% of MOT failures a result of faulty tyres it is concerned that man motorists are still driving on tyres that are potentially dangerous.

The main concerns for motorists to remember are air pressure, condition, and tread depth.

Stuart Jackson, TyreSafe chairman, said: “With more vehicles being parked up due to Lockdown 2:0 it might seem odd to be paying particular attention to tyre safety on our cars but, in fact, now is the right time. With money becoming increasingly tight for many households they should check they’re getting the most from their tyres’ with regular maintenance. If tyres do need replacing, check the options available before turning to part worns. In short, to stay tyre safe during the pandemic, check, check then check again.”
