AW launches TecKnowlogy Centres

AW Repair Group has launched a new website to coincide with the branding of the company’s TecKnowlogy Repair Centres.

New pages on the website focus on partnerships with Tesla and the importance of specialist electric, ADAS and multi-material repair capability in the modern day repair centre.

Founder and CEO Andrew Walsh said: “We have always been proud of our commitment to staying ahead of advancement in vehicle repair technology. Both our investment and our technicians deserve the recognition that is exemplified in the new AW TecKnowlogy Repair Centre branding. The new website also underlines the company’s facilities and abilities to work on these complex vehicles.”

The website’s Investing In Our Future page flies the flag for apprenticeships with individual profiles highlighting the career progress so far of 13 youngsters.

Meanwhile, the group is also planning to open its tenth site next month.
