IGA recognised for coronavirus response

The Independent Garage Association (IGA) has been shortlisted for the ‘Covid Champion Award’ at the 2021 Learning Awards, for the support they have given to garages throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

This award is a new category for 2021, created to honour and pay tribute to those that have shown great strength and a deep passion for helping others during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Stuart James, IGA CEO, said: “We are delighted to be shortlisted for the Covid Champion Award. Covid-19 has created many challenges for every individual and business, and it has been an honour to support members in the government’s battle to overcome the pandemic. As a trade body, this is what we are here for – to support our sector in times of need.

“Although there are still tough times ahead, the IGA has worked extremely hard to develop a fully rounded solution for independent garage businesses so they can keep informed and continue to operate safely. However, as the situation evolves, we will adapt.”

The Learning Awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, 18 February 2021.
