Class of 2020 welcomed to Goodwood

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has welcomed 18 new apprentices to its programme.

The class of 2020 means that more than 150 young people have joined the programme on two to four-year apprenticeships since it was launched in 2006.

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, chief executive officer, said: “Welcoming our new apprentices to Goodwood is a real annual highlight. These young people have come through a selection process in which they’ve already shown great potential and promise; it’s tremendously exciting to watch them grow and flourish, and become the bright, capable, talented people that our company – and the country – needs in order to succeed in the future. We’ve worked incredibly hard, both within our business and with our partner institutions, to ensure their Apprenticeship experience will be as rich, diverse, fulfilling and transformational as it’s been for every other cohort since 2006.

“The Class of 2020 join us in highly unusual circumstances. We are immensely proud that we’ve been able to run our programme at a time when so many companies are curtailing similar activities, and when educational establishments across the UK face huge challenges. We have made many necessary changes to our business practices in response to the pandemic, but maintaining the Apprenticeship scheme has always been a priority.”
