Dealership agreements under the microscope

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to assess the effectiveness of regulations surrounding motor vehicle distribution and aftersales agreements.

The consultation on the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation runs until 31 May.

The key objective is to ‘collect in-depth and high quality facts and evidence on the key competition issues arising in vertical relationships on the motor vehicle distribution and after-sales markets from the perspective of stakeholders.’

Representing British interests, the National Franchised Dealers Association (NFDA) will respond to the consultation outlining UK dealers’ position as well as under the Alliance of European Car Dealers and Repairers (AECDR).

Sue Robinson, NFDA chief executive, said: “NFDA has regularly engaged and held a number of meetings with European counterparts and European Commission Officials. Following the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation consultation earlier this year, over the coming months we will formulate the sector’s response to the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation consultation to outline franchised dealers’ position. We will keep our members updated.”
