Support grows for clean air zones

Nearly four in 10 people would support the introduction of more clean air zones. That figure was even higher (55%) among 18-to-24-year-olds.

According to the study by Venson Automotive Solutions, 53% of people in Scotland, 50% in the north east and 50% in London also believed more clean air zones would have an effect on EV numbers.

This comes on the day the automotive industry has rallied behind the government’s Clean Air Day campaign and called on drivers to help make tomorrow, 8 October, the cleanest emissions day yet.

Road transport accounts for 22% of total UK emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). Clean Air Day raises awareness of these dangers with an emphasis on educating people of the health and wellbeing implications.

To counter these health risks, 38% of people surveyed by Venson believe that the government should introduce more clean air zones as well as encourage an increase in the take up of electric vehicles..

Alison Bell, marketing director at Venson Automotive Solutions said: “For businesses coping with recent and rapid changes in company car and van use, a focus on improving sustainability and embracing the benefits of EVs has perhaps understandably taken a back seat. However, Clean Air Day is a great initiative which will help to bring this important issue centre stage.

“Fleet managers have an important role to play in ensuring that the UK meets its emission targets and protects people’s health by embracing ‘green fleets’. There has been a dramatic increase in the choice of EVs available, more attractive tax incentives, especially the 0% benefit-in-kind rate for company car drivers and further investment in EV charging points, all of which should make companies more confident about investing in eco-friendly vehicles.”
