New training pilot takes off

BSG has completed a successful pilot of a new online peer group training programme.

Called Smarter Business, the modular programme of online business coaching is delivered in short, regular sessions, with a tiered structure intended to provide the flexibility for people within a business to engage at a level and time that suits them.

The sessions can be tailored to each business via a blend of learning from a coach and trusted peers, while individual sessions – 30-minute Coaching Sprints – are available for those who want to take action even faster.

Vince Scudder from BSG said: “We thank everyone who contributed to the pilot groups. They clearly demonstrated the value of people receiving a new blend of learning in short, regular bursts, while also being able to have a sounding board of their trusted peers.”

Tim Cornell, the coach delivering the learning said “The fact we will be starting the programme with a ready-made self-assessment toolkit for their business, confirms the practical application and value of the programme right from the outset. Valuable outcomes will be received from the first hour of the first day of joining.”

Registrations of interest are now being taken on email to [email protected].
