VWCV expands network

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles has increased it network with two additional sites.

Located in Perth and Tewkesbury, the new sites expand the network to 30 authorised repairers and 66 van centres.

Auto Services Perth is a family-run business with 15 service ramps in total. It offers repairs for both petrol and diesel engines, and more recently for electric vehicles.

Meanwhile, Arthur Spriggs in Tewkesbury is one of the UK’s leading providers of commercial vehicle service and repair solutions and will deliver MOT tests and a full range of authorised service and repair work. It has a newly refurbished workshop offering six ramps and Class 7 MOT tests.

Wesley Withey, national network development manager at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, said: “With the help of Auto Services and Arthur Spriggs, we’ve been able to expand our representation into two new areas, allowing us to offer dedicated support to even more customers. As two long-standing, family-run businesses specialising in repair and service solutions for commercial vehicles, the sites have excellent facilities to help customers with all their needs including repairs and MOT tests. We’re delighted to bring them on board.”
