Renault sales down more than a third

Renault sold more than 1.2 million vehicles in the first half of the year, with a strong sales recovery in June. This represents a 34.9% fall compared to an overall market decline of 28.3%.

It says the decline is down to its high exposure in countries that have undergone a strict lockdown.

Denis le Vot, member of the executive committee and senior vice-president sales and regions of Groupe Renault, said: “The world has gone through an unprecedented crisis with a major impact on our business. As soon as the recovery began, our plants and sales network quickly mobilised to meet our customers’ needs, with demand sustained in June by government aid measures in Europe. We are starting the second half of the year with a very high level of orders, a satisfactory level of inventory, a rising price positioning across the entire range, and a new E-Tech hybrid offer that is unique in its segment and already very well received.”

Meanwhile, the Renault Zoe was the best-selling electric vehicle in Europe with a growth of nearly 50% to 37,540 units.
