Weekly CAPS report suggests claims plateau

CAPS’ latest claims analysis report, for the week ending 29 May, shows that for the second time in four weeks there has been a surge followed by a plateau or minor fall, suggesting claims conversions are in line with limited resource availability.

The weekly report from CAPS (the Common Automotive Platform Standard) looks at the level of claims and supply chain transmissions exchanged across its platform, which includes more than 1,200 registered bodyshops.

Over the past week, unique claims and supply chain transmissions both fell back one per cent from the preceding week’s increases, settling at 51 per cent and 47 per cent of pre-lockdown figures, respectively.

The report said: “Bodyshops appear to be processing claims into WIP [work in progress], evidenced by the increase in supply chain messages tracking the unique claims percentage.”

[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.bodyshopmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/CAPS_claims_analysis_290520.pdf”]
