Pentagon enhances video services

The Pentagon dealership group is making use of video technology to offer customers complete transparency during the service process.

It is implementing electronic vehicle health check provider autoVHC’s autoVIEW module, which will enable multiple videos to be taken and shared with customers. The decision to combine video and VHC functionality is designed to simplify the way that technicians capture video content and improve how it is shared with customers.

The addition of autoVIEW will be accompanied by live, two-way SMS chat functionality, allowing multimedia content to be shared immediately.

Nick Locker, group aftersales manager, said: “Moving to one provider of both eVHC and video functionality will have a number of benefits for the business. As well as providing an immediate cost saving, the integration of the technologies will greatly improve the ease in which videos can be captured and shared with our customers.

“Including video evidence as part of our service process is crucial for building trust and loyalty among customers and is designed to ensure Pentagon’s service processes are as transparent and straightforward as possible.”
