Industry welcomes furlough scheme extension

The automotive industry has welcomed the government’s decision to extend the furlough scheme by four months to October, and to make it more flexible allowing workers to return on a part-time basis.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak confirmed on Tuesday that employees on the scheme would continue to receive 80% of their wages, up to £2,500. However, the government will ask companies to share the cost of the scheme from August onwards.

The BVRLA said: “Extending the Job Retention Scheme to the end of October provides a much-needed financial lifeline to millions of employers who are having to make tough decisions to keep their businesses viable and people safe.

“We are delighted to see the chancellor take heed of our recommendation to introduce flexibility to the furlough scheme. By enabling businesses to bring back furloughed staff on a part-time basis, employers will have the option to implement a phased return to work as companies look to kickstart their operations in a post-pandemic environment. The announcement will undoubtedly prevent millions of job losses and we are grateful to the chancellor for his continued support of UK businesses.”
