Production resumes at Bentley

Production restarted at Bentley’s Crewe headquarters on Monday, with over 1,700 employees returning to work.

The remaining 500 are expected back in the middle of June.

The car manufacturer has ensured a safe return by introducing 250 wide-ranging hygiene and social-distancing guidelines, while also providing training and briefing sessions about new working patterns before the site reopened.

Work resumed with the Bentayga and Mulsanne production lines, with the Continental GT and Flying Spur line starting again next week. On each line, production will be running at approximately 50 per cent.

Adrian Hallmark, chairman and CEO of Bentley Motors, said: “Now is the right time for the business to come back stronger. We have introduced extensive new working measures to protect our colleagues, our families and our customers and we are confident, following the work of so many people, that being at Bentley will be as safe for our colleagues as being anywhere else.

“We have a strong order bank, around eight months of customer orders to manufacture, established parts supply routes and patient customers who are looking to receive their extraordinary cars as soon as possible. We will ramp up in a controlled, measured way to ensure we manage this continued demand, and look ahead and in spite of this interruption continue on our journey to lead sustainable luxury mobility in the future.”
