Get your #HatsOn4Ben to support well-being

Ben, the automotive industry charity, hopes its annual mental health awareness campaign and fundraiser, Hats on 4 Ben 2020, will reconnect the automotive family virtually and encourage support for those struggling with their mental health.

With over 80% of the automotive industry furloughed or working from home, this year’s Hats on 4 Ben campaign will be entirely digital, taking place on social media using the hashtag #HatsOn4Ben during Mental Health Awareness Week from 18-24 May.

Each year, over 50% of the people who turn to Ben ask for help with mental health issues. This demand has increased over the past few months in light of Covid-19 and is expected to continue growing.

Since launching in 2015, the automotive industry has raised over £50,000 through Hats on 4 Ben, supporting hundreds of automotive industry peers with mental health issues.

To take part in Hats on 4 Ben 2020, Ben is asking people to do three simple things:

  1. Make/wear a hat and share a selfie on social media using the tag #HatsOn4Ben.
  2. Tag five family members or friends doing the same.
  3. Text HATS to 70480 to donate £5 to a worthy cause.

Ben continues to provide mental health support to automotive industry people, including access to mental health assessments, life coaching and telephone based counselling, as well as other talking therapies. Ben also recently launched a new digital platform for individuals to access self-help support programmes for anxiety, depression, resilience, stress, sleep, as well as mindfulness activities. In addition, a new programme called “Coping with challenging times” has just been launched on the platform to help people through Covid-19.

Matt Wigginton, fundraising director at Ben, said: “We’re really excited to be running Hats on 4 Ben during Mental Health Awareness Week. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness of mental health in our industry and vital funds so we can support those who are struggling.

“It’s a tough time for many people, so we think Hats on 4 Ben is the perfect way to bring our automotive community together and do something fun, positive and charitable, with the whole family.

“Through this campaign, we also want to make the whole industry aware that Ben is, and will continue to be, here for automotive people, providing relevant health and well-being support.
