Tracker warns of spike in car thefts

Tracker has warned motorists against opportunistic criminals looking to steal cars to fill the replacement parts gap.

Police across the country are already fighting an increase in “chop shops” – where stolen vehicles are stripped down and expensive parts sold on – but the lack of legitimate parts could increase their popularity and profitability still further.

Premium, new and collectable vehicles are the most frequently stolen for their parts, but no car is immune.

Clive Wain, head of police liaison at Tracker, said: “These are unprecedented times, and sadly we cannot look into the future to see how long the current restrictions will affect the car manufacturer supply chain. However, what we can do is protect ourselves while it does. Sadly, whilst we are seeing many positives come out of the current crisis – such as communities pulling together and environmental benefits – we could in the coming weeks and months see criminals take advantage of new opportunities.

“With movement so restricted, most of us are using our cars far less frequently, so it is easy to get out of the habit of checking doors are locked and keys are secured after those rare essential journeys. It’s even easier to forget these good habits after popping out to the car to collect something you left behind. 92% of the vehicles we recovered last year were stolen without the thief having possession of the vehicle’s keys. As such, we advise owners of all vehicles to take extra care to fully secure their vehicle and keep remote locking keys as far away from the car as possible, and in a closed tin so that they are protected against relay-attacks,” said Wain.
