Citroën delivers 70 vehicles to NHS

Citroën has delivered 70 commercial vehicles to NHS Property Services, the owners and managers of more than 3,000 NHS facilities.

The vehicles will provide critical maintenance and repair to premises.

The supplying dealer, John Grose in Ipswich, prepared the vehicles rapidly, in spite of reduced staffing levels, to meet the unprecedented demand on the NHS during the coronavirus crisis.

The new fleet of 70 vans join an earlier batch of 29 vehicles that were handed over earlier this year – as part of an order for 200 vehicles in total.

Graham Smales, corporate sales manager at Groupe PSA UK, said: “NHS Property Services is a valued customer of the Citroën brand and I am proud that we have been able to support the critical work being done by NHS Property Services at this time, with a rapid supply of vans.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all parties involved in getting the vehicles turned around so quickly, including the racking and sign writing providers as well as the teams at Knowles Associates, Alphabet and LeasePlan, most notably though, the team at John Grose Citroën who prepared the vehicles in record time and on reduced staffing levels.”
