FTA launches online operator licence training

FTA, the business group representing the logistics sector, has launched an online version of the Operator Licence Awareness Training Course (OLAT) to ensure operators can continue to receive vital compliance training under the government’s coronavirus social distancing rules.

The e-OLAT will form one of six training courses now available to access online; FTA has suspended temporarily all face-to-face training events under Covid-19 government guidance.

Keith Gray, FTA general manager of training, audits and standards, said: “While the government has now restricted use of classroom based, face-to-face training under its social distancing rules, the need for transport operators to run their fleets safely, efficiently, and in line with government regulation remains the same.

“To help logistics businesses keep their operations running as smoothly as possible during this difficult time, we are pleased to launch e-OLAT delivered through a virtual learning environment.”

For more information about e-OLAT and FTA’s five other online training courses, visit www.fta.co.uk.
