Ford Ka fastest selling used brand

The 2016 Ford Ka remains the fastest selling used car in the UK, taking just 23 days to leave forecourts.

This is according to the Auto Trader Fastest Selling Index.

The model was also the fastest selling used car the previous month, selling in 26 days.

Auto Trader’s director of commercial products, Karolina Edwards-Smajda, said: “It was positive to see the average speed of sale of the UK’s national fastest sellers decrease in February. This highlighted the renewed consumer confidence we had seen reflected on our marketplace, including a nine per cent year-on-year increase in the number of visits in February and a 10 per cent growth in ad views.

“That said, we are very aware of the challenges faced by retailers in the current market with the [coronavirus] crisis. We continue to see robust audience performance on our platforms and are working on how we can best support retailers over the coming weeks and months.”

The index also revealed the popularity of used diesels continues unabated, accounting for six of the top 10 cars on the national list, suggesting the fuel type is still an attractive option among used car buyers.

Edwards-Smajda continued: The results highlight the big opportunity that exists in used car sales for retailers who can capture buyers’ attention with the right stock at the right price. With SUVs and crossovers making a resurgence on the index, after a relatively quiet few months, we can see just how fickle consumers can be.”
