NFDA hosts inaugural diversity day

The National Franchised Dealers Association’s (NFDA) has held its first networking day for female apprentice technicians as part of its ‘Drive My Career’ initiative.

The NFDA represents franchised car and commercial vehicle retailers in the UK.

Drive My Career is a platform which aims to attract a wider and more diverse pool of candidates into the automotive sector. One of its key focus areas is to make the sector more accessible and appealing to women, and to connect leading retail automotive employers with the workforce of the future.

The first Drive My Career networking event was held on 11 December, supported by Shell Helix Motor Oils. Event delegates from across the UK included 41 female apprentice technicians in the retail motor sector, together with HR professionals and representatives from a network of car and commercial vehicle dealerships. They came together to share their industry experiences and discuss ways in which to drive greater diversity, support career progression and create leadership opportunities for women in the automotive sector.

Sue Robinson, director of the NFDA said: “It is extremely positive to see the automotive industry join forces to promote and celebrate inclusivity in the sector, one of the key goals of Drive My Career. A diverse and representative workforce is a huge benefit to automotive retailers, especially in a time when our sector is facing major changes and fast developments.”

Britt Burnett, general manager marketing and technical Europe for Shell said: “Shell is proud to play a key role in promoting diversity in traditionally male-dominated sectors such as engineering and automotive, to ensure there is more parity, inclusion and young talent in tomorrow’s workforce. Sponsoring the first ever networking event for female apprentices in the automotive industry is an important step towards addressing the significant gender and skills gap currently within the industry.”
