The unknown rules of the road

A survey of more than 2,000 drivers has identified the laws broken most frequently on British roads, as well as those that most motorists don’t even know about.

Topping the list was using a phone to pay at drive-through, with 78% of the 2,192 respondents to the click4reg survey admitting they did that. Using a phone behind the wheel is against the law at all times.

Meanwhile, 67% admitted swearing/aggressive behaviour, with the top five offences also include beeping the horn whilst stationary (63%), driving over 30mph on a street-lit road (61%) and fitting sat nav to the wrong part of windscreen (55%).

Sleeping in the car whilst drunk was the least well known law with only 13% knowing it was an offence. Most drivers were also unaware it was illegal to fit sat nav to the wrong part of windscreen (15%), splash pedestrians (18%), use a phone to pay at a drive-through (23%), and leave a car idling (24%).
