Hyundai announces key hydrogen investments

Hyundai Motor Company has enhanced its commitment of hydrogen fuel cell technology by investing in three hydrogen companies.

It has invested in Impact Coatings, H2Pro and GRZ Technologies. It says the collaboration with industry leading players will enable it to expand its hydrogen infrastructure and enhance the efficiency of its fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) manufacturing.

Youngcho Chi, president and chief innovation officer at Hyundai Motor Group, said, ‘Our investment in these innovative companies will reduce the production cost of FCEVs and enhance the safety and affordability of hydrogen infrastructure. We hope to accelerate the widespread adoption of hydrogen technology by making FCEVs more accessible for our customers.’

Impact Coatings AB is a leading supplier of PVD-based coating solutions for fuel cells, offering coating materials, machines, and services. 

H2Pro is an Israeli startup that developed the E-TAC (electrochemical, thermally active chemical) water splitting technology, which is efficient, affordable, and safe. H2Pro’s technology will allow Hyundai to lower the cost of hydrogen production.

GRZ Technologies is a company based in Switzerland specializing in energy storage in hydrogen form. Its technology stores hydrogen more safely at lower pressure with higher density, while its proprietary compression technology is also more affordable.
