Seat celebrates Innovation Day

Seat is celebrating its first Innovation Day, which shared new projects that have been introduced by Seat around the world. The initiative was introduced to encourage a mindset of innovation among its 15,000 employees.

Innovation Day, held at its headquarters in Martorell, highlighted 20 innovation projects, all related to new mobility solutions, Industry 4.0 and new business models.

Seat vice-president for human resources Xavier Ros said, ‘The Innovation Day is open to all company employees and the initiative arose with the goal of connecting ideas, projects and talents from different areas. At the same time, events like this will have a multiplier effect, as they drive an innovation-driven mindset, create synergies among projects and identify new opportunities.’

The winning projects include the ‘Click, Click & Go’ e-commerce service in Norway, an online and offline selling process that is integrated in a single e-commerce platform whose aim is to streamline the purchasing process and enable cars to be sold 24/7; the ByBus bus on demand service, which aims to improve internal transportation at the Seat Martorell facilities to reduce the use of cars; the smart Seat heating predictive seat temperature system, which has resulted in a technology patent; and the new logistics control centre that connects and displays every point and supplier in the supply chain, enabling enhanced traceability and transparency.
