FTA backs South West ‘powerhouse’

The FTA has urged the government to ahead with plans to renew transport infrastructure in the South West.

It was reacting to the launch of the Public Accounts Committee’s Inquiry Report into transport infrastructure in the region.

Chris Yarsley, FTA’s policy manager for the South West of England, said, ‘As the business organisation representing the logistics sector, FTA is calling on the government to urgently progress with its plans to improve transport infrastructure in the South West; this investment is desperately needed to unlock economic and social growth in the region.

‘The government must source and allocate the funding required to complete improvements through the entire A303 road corridor; UK businesses need efficient road transport networks to function effectively and this corridor is a blight to growth.

‘Many government politicians have promised to supercharge the economy post-Brexit by investing in road infrastructure: this scheme presents the perfect opportunity to boost regional economic growth, while also delivering social benefits in terms of heritage protection and tourism.’
