BVRLA calls for closer collaboration

The BVRLA has called for closer collaboration between policy makers and fleets in the run-in to London’s Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).

It believes that by working more closely with fleets policy makers will have more success in tackling air quality problems.

The association has published a new factsheet outlining the role that the vehicle rental, leasing and car club sector can play in accelerating the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles and encouraging people to use more active, public and shared modes of transport.

BVRLA chief executive Gerry Keaney said, ‘The ULEZ coming in April is just the start. We will see a massive expansion to the zone in October 2021 and many are predicting it will become zero emission from 2025.

‘Fleets are already choosing the vehicles they will operate for the next few years. For many, 2025 is now. We urgently need a clear, long-term vision that includes the right support for SMEs and other essential road users.’

The BVRLA is calling on the Mayor of London, Transport for London and national government to help promote the role that vehicle rental, leasing and car clubs can play in providing access to ULEZ-compliant vehicles.

It is also asking policymakers to: provide more money for ULEZ mitigation measures that can help fleets and individuals either upgrade their vehicles; ensure that future zero emission zones are properly signposted, managed and co-ordinated; focus on bottlenecks within London’s public EV charging network; and embrace the behaviour change potential of Mobility Credits, which encourage people to abandon vehicle ownership.

Gerry added, ‘In many ways London’s ULEZ will be a vital reference point for other UK Clean Air Zones (CAZs). By engaging properly with fleets policymakers can have the maximum impact on pollution and congestion and learn some valuable lessons for other cities with similar issues.’
