Themes for automotive grants announced

Traffic calming and unsafe driving will be two of the areas of focus for automotive grants in 2019 and 2010.

The Road Safety Trust has announced that the theme chosen for this year is ‘innovative traffic calming and provision for vulnerable road users’, while next year the theme will be ‘how technology can be used to reduce criminality and unsafe driving’.

An additional funding opportunity, the ‘Small Grants Programme’, will be open from September until the end of December this year and in subsequent years. It is expected that awards through the Small Grants Programme will be between £10,000 and £30,000 per project.

Road Safety Trust chief executive Sally Lines said, ‘To be as effective as possible in our grant-making, we will aim to get every project ‘from left to right’; in other words, not just research but each one a journey to making a tangible difference on the roads. We have decided to announce next year’s theme now in order to give applicants as much notice as possible. This should increase the quality of applications for the topic that came out top in terms of its ‘crucial’ rating in an online consultation which took place in 2018.’

The 2019 funding application window is open from 18 March to 21 June. Visit
