Safety first at festivals

Road safety charity IAM RoadSmart has urged festival goers to make sure they pack supplies for the road in case they get stranded or stuck in traffic.

It also recommends that groups set a designated driver or drivers that do not drink on the way to the festival and for at least 24 hours before leaving the festival. Otherwise drivers risk a one year ban and a heavy fine.

Crashes due to fatigue are very common so IAM RoadSmart suggest that if you are feeling tired then you should stay for as long as possible to help you recharge before leaving.

Richard Gladman, head of driving and riding standards at IAM RoadSmart said, ‘Festivals are about fun, great music and new experiences. If you can take public transport then do so – festivals often offer bus and rail tickets and free park and ride. If you must drive remember that no matter how great you feel, the law is the law and driving drugged, drunk or tired will ruin everyone’s summer.’

