Positive support for driverless policy
The government has received ‘positive support’ regarding its proposed approach to regulating for new vehicle technologies in a rolling programme of reform.
In the published, 19 page Pathway to driverless cars: Consultation on proposals to support Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Automated Vehicles Government Response it states: ‘We received positive support from both automotive, road safety, legal and insurance bodies with regard to our proposed approach to regulating for new vehicle technologies in a rolling programme of reform. We also received majority support across industries for focussing on near to market technologies.
‘We will therefore continue to regulate in a rolling programme of reform. This will help to facilitate the introduction of innovative new technologies in a safe, agile and evidence-based manner for the benefit of UK consumers and business.’
The consultation received a total of 428 responses which included 16 insurers, 14 law firms and five vehicle manufacturers.
Commenting on the government response, Ben Howarth, the ABI’s senior policy adviser on motor and liability, said, ‘It’s good to see the government adopting the insurance industry’s proposals to keep motor insurance as straightforward as possible for customers in a world of increasingly automated vehicles. We look forward to seeing further details in the Modern Transport Bill. In the meantime we will be continuing our productive relationship with the Government’s Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, helping officials work through the various challenges created by this evolving technology. Automated vehicles have the potential to revolutionise our transport systems and dramatically improve road safety, but it’s right the insurance system is developed in parallel to give motorists confidence in using them.’
The full report can be accessed here: www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/581577/pathway-to-driverless-cars-consultation-response.pdf