Seeing is believing for SKODA
CitNOW has completed a training roadshow to help 735 technicians at 117 SKODA retailer sites make the most of its video technology.
The initiative mirrors a similar project undertaken by CitNOW last year for ŠKODA’s parent brand, Volkswagen. The feedback from 2015 was positive in 100% of cases, with all key personnel saying their understanding of how to better use video had improved.
Lisa Hartley, ŠKODA UK Parts & Products Manager, said, ‘CitNOW was flexible and supportive in everything it delivered for us. The feedback from our retailers has been good and there is a genuine feeling that the ones who were already using video now understand the benefits in doing things differently and taking things to the next level.
‘Those retailers who were new to video found it a real eye-opener in terms of why this is a fantastic tool to use with their customers.
‘I really feel that our ŠKODA UK network is ready to take things to the next level and deliver outstanding service to our customers.’
Overall, more than 50% of the UK franchised dealer network is now using some form of video technology.
Alistair Jeff, managing director UK at CitNOW, said, ‘We don’t just want to provide a suite of products to our customers and leave them to get on with it on their own. We’re just as passionate about helping them to get the absolute most out of our products as we are about continuing to develop and expand our range.
‘It’s all very well customers having our products on board but, if they’re not maximising the use of them to build on their bottom line, there’s little point in them investing in the first place. The training programmes and help we can offer to deliver genuine business impact is as valuable as the products themselves.’