BLOG: A new era

MARK HADAWAY: ‘This week, like many parents up and down the land, my son started a new chapter in his life by taking his first steps into school life – a very exciting/nervous/proud moment for any parent.

‘It’s fair to say, all you really want for your child is for them to be happy – great if they go on replicate David Beckham, Sir Bradley Wiggins or Marc Zuckerberg in doing so but equally so amazing if they just have a positive outlook on life and ‘get on’ with doing what inspires and motivates them most.

‘Casting my mind back a few years (ahem!) and I remember my school days with great fondness – football, football and more football with a smattering of lessons thrown in the mix for good measure. But more than that, and what I remember the most, were the hugely inspiring teachers I was exposed to – people you could look up to, admire and want to be like. These people weren’t superstars, didn’t earn more in a minute than some of us do in a lifetime, but they had something money can never buy – enthusiasm. Yes, enthusiasm for their respective subjects but more so, enthusiasm for their pupils to do well, and go on to be happy in life regardless of what they ultimately achieved.

‘That is why I can only give praise to the AutoRaise initiative we see rightfully rising to prominence within this industry today. Forget the usual politics that typically enshrouds anything within this industry, and bypass the ‘nay sayers’ that for all too long have proved toxic to progress, AutoRaise and its desire to inspire people breaks that mould and opens up so many new opportunities for what has for too long been an industry frowned upon by careers advisors. AutoRaise cannot do it all itself and what it needs is support of the industry to get behind it and get people talking about what a great opportunity and career destination it represents.

‘AutoRaise I applaud your efforts so far – let’s just hope the industry can see that an ‘intangible’ bit of inspiration is worth far more in the long run than a short term ‘profit’ to be made.’
