Top driver bugbears revealed

A new survey has revealed the most frustrating aspects of driving in the UK, with road surfaces, poor driving behaviour and high costs topping the polls.
According to research carried out by YourParkingSpace, potholes was the main cause of concern for 69% of respondents in its survey of 2,000 motorists.
Drivers not indicating and tailgating were an issue for 57% and 54% of respondents respectively, with the cost of insurance and fuel recording 48% and 47% of votes.
Brannan Coady, CEO of YourParkingSpace, said:
“The likes of speeding, middle lane hogging and tailgating are not uncommon experiences on Britain’s roads, so for potholes to be ranked top of our list shows just how big of a problem poor road condition has become. As well as being an annoyance, potholes are also a major safety hazard. Our roads deserve better maintenance to ensure the safety and satisfaction of drivers.”
About 1.4 million potholes were filled in from 2022 to 2023, but many repairs are short-term with wet weather causing the same problems to return within weeks.
Meanwhile, surging insurance costs was also highlighted as a serious challenge for drivers, with premiums now averaging £1,673 per year – and up to £3,000 for younger drivers.
The full list of driver issues is:
- Potholes
- People not indicating
- Tailgating
- Cost of insurance
- Cost of fuel
- Drivers leaving full-beam lights on
- Drivers hogging the middle lane
- Not being able to find parking spaces
- Others driving too fast
- Others driving too slow