SMMT urges government to support industry’s green success

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) is urging the new government to support the industry drive the country’s green agenda after a new report revealed that emissions from vehicle production has more than halved since 1999.
Its 25th SMMT Sustainability Report showed that emissions during production have fallen by 54% since 1999, while at the same time the amount of energy and water used per vehicle decreased by 18% and 17.7% respectively and is now 33% and 42% below 1999 levels.
Meanwhile, output of EVs rose by 48% last year, with estimates that more than a million zero emission vehicles could be produced in the UK every year from 2035.
Green strategy
The SMMT is now calling on the government to support the industry go further on its path to net zero. It has identified seven measures that it believes will accelerate the country’s green strategy while also giving the UK a competitive advantage in global vehicle manufacturing. These are:
- Publish a green automotive transformation strategy that provides a pathway towards the UK automotive industry’s ultimate sustainability and circularity goals
- Introduce a package of fiscal, tax and regulatory support measures that attract new investment
- Provide support and guidance to empower a sustainable, transparent UK supply chain
- Mobilise a skilled, diverse, empowered UK workforce
- Develop a UK regulatory ecosystem in partnership with business that is ambitious, deliverable and meets sustainability objectives
- Ensure UK sustainability data requirements match the high ambitions of automotive companies
- Maintain access to critical raw materials and cross-border trade
Mike Hawes, SMMT chief executive, said:
“Britain’s automotive sector has been cutting carbon for decades and this new milestone is significant, not just for industry but for the nation’s move to net zero. We look forward to working with the new government to deliver its green growth agenda that puts Britain at the front of the queue for global investment and sustainability leadership. Automotive can be the driving force behind this strategy, reducing carbon emissions still further while growing the economy, improving air quality and delivering new jobs and skills for people across the country.”