Silverlake Automotive Recycling extends police service

Silverlake Automotive Recycling has won two four-year contracts with police forces to dispose of vehicles via recycling or auction.

The company renewed a contract that is has held since 2014 with Sussex & Surrey Police, while also winning via competitive tender a new contract with Hampshire & IOW Constabulary.

In each case it will collect vehicles for disposal once they are released from police storage.

Key to winning the contracts was its knowledge of police procedure, which helps to reduce storage costs, and its use of data to establish market demand and accurate valuations for reclaimed parts by model and type.

Steve Diaper, operations manager at Silverlake, said:

“We are really proud to have won these prestigious contracts. Our business reputation is built on professionalism, competitive pricing and outstanding customer service. The fact that AADL and Sussex & Surrey Police have relied on our services for 10 years and have just renewed our contract for a further four demonstrates great trust in our operations – that’s hugely rewarding for the team. To then go on to win the contract for Hampshire & IOW Constabulary as well is even further validation, reinforcing our credibility and helping to position us as the automotive recycling partner of choice in the market.”
