RAC shines spotlight on headlight glare

Modern headlights are too bright and glare is a growing problem for almost nine in 10 drivers, according to new research.
The RAC surveyed 2,000 drivers and found that 89% think some headlights are too bright, with 91% of those affected admitting they get dazzled by overly bright headlights and 67% saying they have to slow down considerably.
Meanwhile, seven per cent say they find headlight glare so bad that they avoid driving at night altogether, and that figure rises to 14% for drivers aged 65 and over.
Badly aligned headlights was blamed by 44% of respondents, with 62% saying the problem was caused by modern cars being higher than in the past.
RAC spokesman Rod Dennis said: “Our figures suggest drivers are more concerned than ever about headlight glare, with a huge proportion wanting to see something done about it. We urgently need the government to take a closer look at the issue, ideally by commissioning an independent study to understand what’s causing an increase in reports of dazzling and, most importantly, what can do be done to keep drivers safe.”