DVSA warns of looming commercial driver deadline

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has warned of a looming commercial driver deadline which could see many lose their professional qualifications in the coming weeks.

All drivers of professional drivers operating heavy goods vehicles, buses, and coaches – including vehicle recovery drivers – need to complete 35 hours of mandatory training every five years to retain their Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC).

The Driver CPC was introduced 15 years ago to ensure drivers stay up to date with changes in regulations, vehicle standards, and driving practices.

The DVSA has reported that demand for training in August and September 2019 spiked three-fold as drivers reached their renewal date at the same time. It is now warning a similar backlog could mean drivers who leave it too late to book the necessary hours could risk losing their Driver Qualification Card (DQC).

Looming commercial driver deadline

It fears that some drivers have not logged the necessary training hours due to confusion around the process, with reforms expected to replace the mandatory 35-hour training with periodic tests. However, those reforms have not come into force yet.

Addressing the looming commercial driver deadline, it said:

“If you don’t complete your training, you could find yourself suspended from professional driving. So you need to finish and log your 35 hours before your current DQC expires. You can still drive professionally if you’ve completed and uploaded 35 hours of periodic training but are waiting for your new DQC to arrive.”

It has published a list of approved training providers to help drivers meet the looming deadline.
