IFB warns of new moped crash-for-cash scam

The Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) has warned of a new motor insurance scam involving mopeds.

Working with the City of London Police’s Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department (IFED), it has uncovered a growing trend of moped drivers deliberately crashing into oncoming traffic in order to claim.

It has revealed that more than 4,000 people have so far been targeted, leading to fraudulent claims valued at £70m.

Ursula Jallow, director at the IFB, said: “The scale and impact of moped scams is unprecedented and has grown to become one of the largest, most complex Crash for Cash investigations we’ve ever seen. Thousands of people have been targeted, and these shameless scammers’ tactics are becoming increasingly aggressive. For instance, we’ve found women who are driving alone or with their children, are being targeted more.”


Jallow continued: “Everyone should stay alert to the signs of moped scams and report it to our confidential CheatLine. Evidence can not only help to bring those responsible to justice, but it can also help to protect victims from having fraudulent insurance claims being made against them.”

Detective Chief Inspector Tom Hill, from the City of London Police’s IFED, added:

Moped drivers are deliberately crashing into other vehicles with the purpose of gaining compensation from insurance companies. The value of the claims that can be lodged for repairs, personal injury and replacement vehicles makes this an incredibly lucrative opportunity for fraudsters.”
