AI cameras capture phone and seatbelt offences

AI cameras in Devon and Cornwall have caught drivers committing 800 mobile offences in July and August as well as more than 2,000 people driving without seatbelts.

Among the 2,239 people identified without seatbelts were 109 children.

Head of road safety for Devon and Cornwall Police Adrian Leisk has now called on the government to toughen up the sanctions for driving without a seatbelt by adding three penalty points to the £500 fine, and said the legal guardians of the 109 children caught not wearing seat belts should be subject to a ‘safeguarding check’.

He said: “I’m struggling to understand why people think it’s OK not to wear a seat belt, particularly young people in their vehicles. In the event of a forward collision or if the vehicle were to brake sharply, the weight of the parent would crush the child against the front of the car.”

AI cameras

Artificial intelligence (AI) cameras have been introduced in the region in a series of trials. They use advanced vehicle monitoring systems that can see inside the vehicles to monitor and analyse driver activity.

RAC road safety spokesman Rod Dennis said:

“AI-equipped cameras that can automatically detect drivers breaking the law offer a chance for the tide to be turned. The police can’t be everywhere all of the time, so it makes sense that forces look to the best available technology that can help them catch drivers acting illegally.”
