Road charging schemes a ‘live’ topic

FleetCheck is calling on the fleet sector to have a constructive discussion about the likelihood of road charging being introduced in the future and the kind of scheme it would like to see.
Peter Golding, managing director at the fleet software specialist, said that the rapid growth in electric vehicles expected over the next few years and the subsequent decline in revenue for fuel, road and company car taxation made an initiative of this type almost inevitable.
He said: “Our view is that it very much makes sense for the fleet sector to begin to give formal thought to the subject of some kind of road charging scheme. The declining tax take resulting from electrification means that Treasury revenue will be falling every year. It is inevitable that some kind of new scheme fills the gap.
“Our main concern is that the technology adopted proves too complex and, as a result, is difficult both to introduce and to use. There is a strong argument, we believe, for a graduated approach over time with simple systems being introduced in the first instance, such as tolls on some major motorways.
“However, what really needs to happen is for the views of all the fleet industry’s major players to be heard. This is something that is almost certainly coming and we should be doing everything to ensure that whatever solution is adopted meets our needs, as one of the major interested parties.
“It would be responsible to start constructive discussions now. There is some good work being done in this area already – such as by the AFP’s Future Roads committee – and it would be positive for as many fleets as possible to make their views known.”