Car crime hotspots revealed

New research has revealed the areas in the UK where car crime is at its highest and lowest.
Northgate has taken information from the government and local police departments to identify the levels of vehicle crime according to UK regions.
It found that the most vehicle crime was reported by the Metropolitan Police Service, followed by West Midlands Police, West Yorkshire Police, Thames Valley Police, and Essex Police.
The Metropolitan Police Service noted over 100,000 incidents of vehicle crime last year, with the month of November seeing the highest.
With nearly 70% less reported incidents than the capital, West Midlands Police still see the second highest level of vehicle crime, with just over 30,000 incidents last year alone. While the number of incidents steadily increased throughout last year, it was December that saw the highest.
Meanwhile, West Yorkshire Police sits in third with over 14,000 automotive felonies in the latest annual data. While this area sees the highest reports in October, it’s November that saw the most instances of vehicle crime across UK forces last year.
Lowest crime figures were reported by the City of London Police, Dyfed-Powys Police, Cumbria Constabulary, North Wales Police, and North Yorkshire Police.
Neil McCrossan, sales and marketing director at Northgate, said: “We know how precious our vehicles can be to us and how much it can impact our everyday lives if something is to happen to them. We decided to look at the areas that saw the most, and least, vehicle crime last year to get an annual perspective of where people may need to be extra cautious of their vehicles.”